Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Well, it is nap time in the Medlock home. Jackson should actually be up any moment, so his sleeping will determine the length of the post:)
Today has been another day of routine...he is awake!...hold that thought. I am finding that I do better in routine, I may have stated that before, so right now our days go a little like this:
Wake up at 6:45, feed Karis, get everyone dressed, go workout at 7:30, run, cook breakfast, feed Karis, Karis takes a nap and Jackson and I play and I do some cleaning, Lunch at 12:30, Jackson naps and Karis and I have our time, play time in the afternoon, Karis naps, dinner.
Now what we do while people aren't napping changes everyday, and some days we may do something while someone is suppose to be napping, but for the most part that is how a day looks. And to some it may seem boring and the same thing over and over...but I love it!
Exciting news for today...Jackson got to play with play-doh! We cleaned out his room and moved some stuff around to get ready for the surprise that Nonnie and Papa are bring (a train table!) and while we were cleaning out we found a whole package of play-doh. He picked the pink one...had no idea he knew the color pink!...and played like he had played with play-doh for years. Never put it in his mouth, if it feel on the floor and jumped right down to get it. He played better than most of my pre-k students did! He wants to play with blue next he says!
Karis is 9 months today. She doesn't feel great, and doesn't look great either. She is one of those kids you can just look at and know how they feel. Her little tooth is giving her fits! Thank goodness, it is almost here. I can see it about to break through, so hopefully tonight or tomorrow she will get some relief. I started thinking about when Jackson was 9 months and what was different. There are many differences, he was much bigger, he wasn't as loud as she is, and the biggest thing he had surgery! We are hoping there will be no surgeries in our near future!
Today has been another day of trying to step back and look at things differently. What am I doing with my time, what are the words that are coming out of my mouth, am I showing love or frustration, am I living for God or for myself. I have learned over the past month that I am not promised tomorrow and I am not promised tomorrow with my children. Each breath is a gift on this earth and with one missed breath we are gone. Not that where we are going isn't where we hope to end up, but what are you leaving! I hope if I were to leave tomorrow that my kids would know that I loved them and most importantly that I loved my Savior. I hope that I would be remembered by that, by my love. My love for my family, for my husband, for my children, and for the God that has blessed me with all the other things to love. I do not fear death for where I am going is so much better (beyond our understanding) but I do get upset about what I would be leaving behind. So then that makes me believe that I would be the one that would want to lose, lose the life of someone I loved because I would never want my children to hurt that way! Wow I'm chasing rabbits! But do you think of that, do you live your life to the fullest, everyday? That's what I want and that is what I'm striving make the most of everyday, to treasure every moment! So with that said, tell those you love you love them, and those that need an encouraging word speak it, and those that need a hug hug them. Why not!?!
We are now going to get ready to go get a "coke" and head to the park! My prayer today is that you will live your life to the fullest!
Treasure every moment:)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

All New News

Well, after I had Karis I lost touch with blogging. I honestly have had days where I would try to log in and it would never let me...last week I spent time really trying. I did everything that it instructed me to do and still nothing. So tonight I decided to sit down and put in every password that I had ever used...finally took me to a place where I could put in a new email, (for everything was being sent to an account through sprint that I can no longer access) so everything is under Peter email. I thought it was safe...don't see him needing his email for a blog anytime soon!
So, I can't rewind to September of last year because I would bore you all to death...but here is a quick look into the changes of our life!
KARIS ANN MEDLOCK has forever changed our life. She is fiery, as Shalon's dad calls her. She is full of smiles, laughter, and screams! She screams when she is happy, when she's excited, when she wants something, well actually she just screams all the time! Not a crying scream...but a blood curdling I'm being stepped on scream! It's my favorite thing about her, other than her constant smile that is always on her face! And boy does she love her daddy, and boy does he love her! It's the greatest thing in the whole world! Last night Peter and I were playing with the kids and I was going to throw Karis to Peter. I threw her and then counted for him to throw her back, he never let her leave his hands...he said that he just couldn't do that with her. WHAT!?! He would chunk Jackson clear across the pool, but will not take his hands of his girl! I love it!
I have started Crudsader Gymnastics. I have joined with the church in reaching out to our community! I have 5 classes a week with about 32 kids enrolled at this time. I have kids from 3- high school and I love every minute of it! The best thing is that I can talk freely about the love of Christ. I have coached 8 years and this is the first time that I can pray with my kids and witness to them without it being a big deal...I'm actually required to and it doesn't get much better!
I really think those are the only 2 huge changes in our family right now! There are small changes everyday, but that is to be expected!
So here is to a fresh start. I hope to be able to blog weekly, maybe more if I stay organized here at home! Will hopefully figure out how to have pictures of Karis added to our Medlock Adventures Sign!